175th Celebration Booklet

The Guernsey County 175th Anniversary Celebration Booklet, largely authored by Atty. Russell H. Booth, Jr., was produced in 1973 in a limited one-time printing run to coincide witht the county's celebration.

The full text of the booklet is given here: 175th Celebration Booklet

Individual sections are listed below.

Indian Days

When Quebec Owned Us!

Zane's Trace

Cambridge's "Other" Road to Steubenville

Early Towns in Guernsey County

The County Seat Controversy

The National Road and Its Bridges

A County Snapshot in 1846

Morgan's Raid: The Civil War Comes Home!

The Mines of Guernsey County

Town Names Which Changed

Sarchet and Taylor: Two Nineteenth Century Leaders

How Our County Got Its Shape


Street Cars and the Interurban Line

Byesville and Competing Phone Systems

Famous Guernsey County Natives

Famous Guernsey County Visitors


The Last Covered Bridge

Who Operated the First Wills Creek Ferry?

County Historians

A Most Historic Photograph

The Guernsey County Museum

Earliest Downtown Cambridge History, Lot by Lot

"Remember When?" Photos

The Old Rural Schools

Old Pictures of Streets and Stores

Guernsey County Vital Statistics

175th Celebration Program

Book Front Matter

Book Bibliography

Book Contributors